Before undertaking any analysis, there are important steps to follow according to the type of analysis to ensure the patient's credibility and correct analysis:

    - Blood lipids : : Fasting is required 6-8 hours, which includes triglycerides, total cholesterol, and harmful cholesterol and cholesterol

    - Blood sugar fasting : Fasting is required from 6-8 hours, even if it reaches ten hours

    - Blood sugar: It is necessary to calculate the benefit from starting and after treatment, if any or according to the doctor's instructions Do not eat during the two hours. Please complete the meal within 10 minutes.

    - Sugar tolerance test: Eat carbohydrates for three consecutive days so that the daily intake is not less than 150 g. The analysis is done in the morning after fasting for 14-12 hours and must sit throughout the test and prevents smoking throughout the test period

    - Paul Aries: Preferably the first Paul in the morning, but not by necessity and not less than the date of the session for ten days and better if the result is negative must be re-analysis after two or three days because the pregnancy hormone appears after three ايام

    - Blood pregnancy test : The analysis should be done 10 days after the interruption of the menstrual cycle. If the result is negative, the surgery should be re-performed after three days because the pregnancy hormone is likely to be excreted in the blood after three days

    - Sedimentation speed : Preferred Fasting of 6-8 hours

    - Paul Farm Test : Hand washing and genitalia are required with water and soap and then disinfecting the urinary incontinence. Wash again with water only to remove the cleanser. Then empty the first part of the urine in the water cycle and put the rest in the flask and must refrain from antibiotics for at least 48 hours

    - Prostasa and penis swab: Urinary retention is required for one hour prior to the examination, with no antibiotics for at least 48 hours

    - Prostasa and penis swab: Urinary retention is required for one hour prior to the examination, with no antibiotics for at least 48 hours

    - Gynecological smear : It is required not to have intercourse for two days and not to wash on the day of the analysis with the abstention from the antibiotic for at least 48 hours

    - Gynecological smear : It is required not to have intercourse for two days and not to wash on the day of the analysis with the abstention from antibiotic for at least 48 hours

    - Farm feces: The sample is required to arrive at the laboratory within at least two hours. A sample sent in Pampers can not be accepted with the antibiotic for at least 48 hours.

    - Fecal examination 3 consecutive days: Fecal examination The faecal sample should be taken every day for three days. To check the presence of parasites and if small white worms are seen during defecation, the laboratory should be notified because it does not appear in normal examination. He needs to take samples of a swab around the anus and bring the worm to the lab after placing it in brine

    - Hidden Blood Stools: The patient will abstain for 48 hours from eating all types of meat, radish, rheumatism or any drugs containing aspirin, vitamin C, cortisone or iron.

    - Asthma and epilepsy drugs : The medication is taken regularly for at least 5 days and is not prescribed for vomiting or diarrhea for 48 hours prior to the analysis. The first blood sample is taken immediately before the morning dose and the second sample is taken several hours after taking the medicine

    - Iron test: Fasting is required from 6-8 hours and attendance in the morning after the end of the period of menstruation and before starting treatment with iron and blood transfusion

    - Measurement of stimulants and stimulants The urine is placed in a clean and dry flask. It is preferable to give the urine in the laboratory under the supervision of the laboratory technician to make sure that the patient did not try to replace his sample with another that may be hidden with him while entering the laboratory. In the case of sending the sample to the laboratory, the urine should be kept in a refrigerator for a maximum of 48 hours until it reaches the laboratory. In case of sending the sample after 48 hours, provided that the urine is frozen in the freezer and then sent to the laboratory in the snow

    - Paprostatic examination: The patient will abstain for 10 days before the surgery is performed. When a catheter or catheter is inserted, a FREE PSA test is performed with TOTAL PSA.

    - Kidney transplantation tests : The patient will abstain for 10 days before the surgery is performed. When a catheter or catheter is inserted, a FREE PSA test is performed with TOTAL PSA.

    - Anemia of beans : The analysis should not be performed after blood transfusion and relapse before 3-4 weeks

    - Test the Metanephrene _ VMA: Collect the urine for 24 hours in a special bottle containing acid obtained by the doctor from the laboratory and must refrain for at least 48 hours for tea, coffee, biscuits, vanilla, avocado, pineapple, eggplant, tomatoes and bananas

    - Semen: Abstinence from sexual intercourse for 3-4 days before intercourse / no intercourse at all during the collection of the sample / the sample is taken by masturbation by hand "masturbation"

    - When the ratios are required, such as Paternity test or Sibling test, the sample is taken from the oral cavity: Persons must be brought to the laboratory to take the sample in the case of the applicant who wishes to establish a judicial invitation and in case of establishing a judicial invitation, the sample shall be taken under judicial supervision

    Generally, the patient should know that often in most tests such as stool or urine, the technician in the laboratory can not tell whether the sample is old or new, but the patient is a doctor himself